Regel: Arcana Descent

Her kan de hjemmebryggede Descent regler findes..


Descent 1.5


Conquest & threat

Vi bibeholder conquest tokens. Man mister 3 points pr. død helt.

3 conquest pr. portal

Man mister ikke conquest tokens når OL når gennem decket.

OL får ikke threat for surges



Draw 3 heroes choose 1. Veterans can occupy slot.

1 xp pr. bane +1 for at klare den.

Start gold = 100+50 pr 2 xp.

3 conquest cost +1 conquest cost pr. 3 xp

Feats refreshed entering new area



5 items i shoppen fra starten (drawn)

Overlord må spawne en minion (beastman, skeleton, bane spider) pr. Helt der slutter sin tur i byen. De spawnes fra en åben portal.



Chests: nye items i shoppen for hver åbnet kiste / 2 moves

Copper: 3 basis item +100

Silver : 2 leveled item +150

Gold: 4 leveled items +200


Potions 50 gold / 1 move

Healing: 2 red dice

Fatigue: Full fatigue

Power: 1 free surge på next attack

Invulnerability: 1 extra grey die untill next round


Gold token: search token / 1 action


Overlord deck (det gamle!)

Dark Armor = extra brown die

Doom! = 1 free surge


Traps fungerer som i 2nd edition med afv.

Attributes thematically represent the figure's physical and mental traits. The four attributes found in all heroes and lieutenants are:

Might - Measures a character’s strength, toughness, and their ability to overcome physical obstacles

Knowledge - Measures a character’s education, experience, and general intelligence

Willpower - Measures a character’s mental constitution,devotion, and discipline

Awareness - Measures a character’s dexterity, vigilance, and perception




Skeletons = Goblins

Hell Hounds = Barghest

Sorcerer = Flesh Moulder

The Butcher = Master Troll + extra grey def. die

? = attribute test knowledge 3 to open locked door


Avowed Style!



You draw 3 heroes and choose one.


2 Players

When there only are 2 players:

- The Overlord only receives 1 threat token/turn (curses give 2/player)

- The card "Evil Genius" is banned

- Treasure chests: Each player receives an additional treasure, but must return one of the treasures back to the treasure pile.



A player starts each session with free 2 DP (discipline points). Each activated glyph gives the players another DP.

It is not allowed for multiple players to use the same discipline.

Discipline skill level 1: 1 DP

Discipline skill level 2: 2 DP

Discipline skill level 3: 3 DP

A DP can also be bought for 500 gold.

You can only have a maximum of 2 unfinished disciplines at a time .


Player Levels

Each successfully completed dungeon adds 1 level to a hero.

Each level gives the hero an additional DP in the start of each game.

The OL receives 1 extra threat token when the average hero level is 3 and another when the average level is 5.


Rule Adjustments

Web: Can be removed by spending 2 fatigue (can also remove web tokens on adjacent players).









